Student Financial Responsibility Agreement

Student Financial Responsibility Agreement


Agreement to Collin's Terms and Conditions of Registration and Agreement to Pay Tuition Charges and Unpaid Student Account Balances



I understand when I register for any class at Collin County Community College District (Collin) or receive any service from Collin, I accept full responsibility to pay all 评估的学费、杂费和其他相关费用和/或学生账户余额 作为我注册和/或接受服务的结果. I further understand and agree my registration is in fact acceptance of these terms and constitutes a promissory note agreement (i.e.一种以教育贷款形式出现的财政义务 defined by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code at 11 U.S.C. §523(a)(8)) in which Collin is providing 我的教育服务,推迟部分或全部的付款义务 我承诺支付所有经评估的学费、杂费和其他相关费用 在公布或指定的到期日之前的费用和/或结余.           

我明白并同意,我必须对自己所修课程的退学负责 not plan to attend. 我明白我的注册只有在资金充足的情况下才能完成 of my courses. 我理解并同意如果我放弃或退出部分或全部的 我注册的课程,我将负责支付全部或部分费用 学杂费按照公布的学杂费执行 refund schedule,百分之百减免学杂费,只适用于 在学期或短学期开始前取消的课程. I have read the terms 以及公布的学费退款时间表的条件,并理解这些条款 are incorporated herein by reference. I further understand my failure to attend class 或者收到账单并不能免除我的财务责任 above.

Per Texas Education Code 54.007(2)(d): 一名学生未能全额支付学费和强制性费用,包括 任何附带费用,在到期日之前可能被禁止注册课程 until full payment is made. A student who fails to make full payment prior to the 学期或学期结束时,该学期或学期完成的工作可能会被取消学分 term.



Financial Holds: 我理解并同意如果我不能支付我的学生账户账单或任何到期款项 并在预定的到期日之前拖欠科林,科林将在财务上搁置 我的学生账户,阻止我更改注册和/或添加, 要求成绩单,收到我的文凭,和/或我的课程注册状态可能 be changed to drop for non-payment or withdrawn.


Collection Agency Fees:  如果我不能支付我的学生账户账单或任何到期款项,我理解并接受 在预定的到期日之前欠科林的款项和/或未能支付可接受的款项 为了使我的账户保持流通,科林可能会把我的拖欠账户转到 a collection agency. 本人明白并接受所欠款项包括任何未付款项 在我的学生账户上,包括但不限于评估合格的费用 学费及相关教育费用和/或助学金调整 和/或代表我的第三方资助协议未涵盖的金额 between Collin and another entity. I further understand that if Collin refers my student 账户余额交给第三方催收,将收取催收费 并将在转介给第三方时全额到期.  The collection fee will be calculated up to the maximum amount permitted by applicable law, but not to exceed 30 percent of the amount outstanding.  For purposes of this provision, the 第三方可以是讨债公司或律师.  If a lawsuit is filed to recover an outstanding balance, I shall also be responsible for any costs associated 与诉讼相关的诉讼费或其他适用费用.  I understand and agree that my delinquent account may be reported to one or more of the national credit bureaus. 我在此授权将科林欠我的所有款项用于任何 delinquent amount due; until the principal account balances as well as any other fees and/or costs are paid in full. 我理解并同意所有bet9备用登录地址注册的争议 or payment will be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, without bet9备用登录地址德克萨斯州法律冲突的原则. The venue for any lawsuit regarding collection of a delinquent debt will be in Collin County, Texas.


Drop for Non-Payment: 我明白如果我的课程注册被更改为未付款状态, it is my responsibility to initiate and complete any subsequent registration activity for the term.


Late Payment Charge: I understand and agree if I fail to register prior to the start of a term and/or fail 按时支付我的学生账户余额或任何到期和欠科林的款项 due dates, Collin will assess current Board approved fees, late payment and/or finance charges as published 和/或包含在学生之间的任何额外期票或协议中 and Collin.





Method of Communication: 我理解并同意科林使用我的科林指定的电子邮件帐户作为官方邮件 method of communication with me; and therefore, I am responsible for reading the e-mails 我及时收到了科林的来信,并采取了任何必要的行动 official correspondence sent to this address.


Contact: 我授权科林及其代理人和承包商以我目前和 any future cellular phone number(s), email address(es) or wireless device(s) regarding 我拖欠的学生账户/贷款,以及我欠科林和/或的任何其他债务 to receive general information from Collin. I authorize Collin and its agents and contractors to use automated telephone dialing equipment, artificial or pre-recorded 语音或短信,私人电话和电子邮件,在他们的努力联系 me. 此外,我明白我可以撤回拨打我的手机的同意 using automated telephone dialing equipment by submitting my written request, including name, CWID, and contact phone num ber, to 或者,在适用的情况下,以书面形式联系适用的承包商或代理 me on behalf of Collin.


Updating Contact Information: 我理解并同意,我有责任使科林的记录保持最新 附上我目前的实际地址、电子邮件地址和电话号码 the published procedure. 链接的程序通过引用并入本文. Upon leaving Collin for any reason, it is my responsibility to provide Collin with updated contact information 为了继续沟通任何未到期的款项和 owing to Collin.




我了解Collin使用电子账单(e-bill)作为其正式的结算方式; 因此,我有责任查看并支付我的学生账户电子账单 the scheduled due date. 我也明白不是所有的注册活动都会有结果 在到期日期之前生成的电子账单以及我账户上的任何活动 可能会在我的账户上产生额外的财务活动,而不包括在电子账单中. 我有责任核实我的往来账户余额并按时付款 deadlines. 我进一步理解,未能收到或审阅我的电子账单不属于 给我一个不按时付账单的正当理由. E-bill information and current 帐户余额详细信息可在安全的CougarPay门户中获得 my CougarWeb access.




我明白行政,文书或技术计费错误不能免除我的责任 我有责任支付正确数额的学费、杂费等 由于我在科林注册而评估的相关财务义务.




如果支付给我的学生账户的款项因任何原因被银行退回,我 同意偿还付款的原始金额加上退回的付款费用 the published fee rate. 我明白多次退回付款和/或未能遵守条款 我与科林签署的任何付款计划或协议,可能会导致取消 my classes and/or suspension of my eligibility to register for future classes at Collin; suspension of some payment method opportunities; collection processes as noted in the Delinquent Account/Collection section above, and/or Justice of the Peace proceedings and possible warrants, as a result of a returned check.




如果我决定完全退出科林,我将遵循学生发展的建议 我理解并同意的政策,作为参考纳入本协议.




I understand Collin is bound by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which prohibits Collin from releasing any information from my education record without my written permission. 因此,我明白如果我想让科林分享信息 从我的教育记录中,我必须提供书面许可 the FERPA Student & Parent Guide. I further understand I may revoke my permission at any time as instructed in the same procedure. 此外,我明白我可以为我的学生提供FERPA在线发布 financial account information via the CougarPay portal in CougarWeb by assigning ‘authorized user’ status to individuals of my choosing and that I may revoke that online authorization as instructed in the same portal.


I further understand and agree that if I, or an agency to which I provide authorization, submit a request to Collin for that third party to fund all or part of my educational 这是我为科林提供的FERPA授权 机构的信息,该机构需要完成资助过程. I understand 并同意所要求的信息可能包括,但不限于,学生 帐户、注册、完成和个人识别信息.




Collin’s Business Office is required to report Social Security Numbers (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN) to meet Internal Revenue Service (IRS) information reporting regulations as well as other federal, state, and contracted business partner funding and reporting requirements. I understand and authorize Collin to use my SSN/ITIN 用于内部和外部信用报告和收集所有费用 我在科林大学就读期间,在这个账户上发生的费用. All entities are mandated by contract and federal law to protect your confidentiality, and SSN/ITIN’s 是否保密并免于公共记录要求.


IRS Form 1098-T: 我同意提供我的社会安全号码(SSN)或纳税人识别号码 (TIN) to Collin upon request as required by IRS regulations for Form 1098-T reporting purposes by logging into CougarWeb, then from the Student tab selecting the Tuition/Payment block, then the Student's Taxpayer ID Certification and providing the requested information. 如果我没有提供我的SSN或TIN给Collin,我同意支付任何和所有IRS罚款 assessed as a result of my missing SSN/TIN.


我同意以电子方式收到我的年度IRS表格1098-T,学费表 在我有资格收到1098-T表格的任何日历年度,我都可以从科林申请. I understand that my act of registration is my consent. However, if I choose to register 但我明白我必须撤回对电子表格1098-T的同意 rescind that consent via the CougarPay portal by cancelling the 1098 eDelivery authorization. Upon my consent withdrawal, a paper copy will be provided for eligible calendar years.



如本人未满法定年龄,本人明白及同意 execute this agreement that the educational services provided by Collin are a necessity, 根据“必需品原则”,我有合同义务.”



I understand aid described as “estimated” on my Financial Aid Award does not represent 实际或担保付款,而是我可能得到的援助的估计,如果我满足 all requirements stipulated by that aid program.

我知道我的经济援助奖是取决于我继续注册和 每节课的出勤率是我的经济援助资格的计算标准. If 我在完成任何课程之前退学和/或不参加联邦要求的课程 我知道我的经济援助资格可能会减少,部分或全部 financial aid awarded to me may be revoked.

如果我的部分或全部经济援助被撤销,因为我退学或未能出席 class, I agree to repay all revoked aid which was disbursed to my account and resulted in a credit balance refunded to me.

I understand  and agree any financial aid, including but not limited to federal Title IV financial aid, I receive, except for Federal Work Study wages, will first be applied 在我申请助学金的同一学年,我的账户上的任何未结余额 was awarded for tuition, fees, room and board. Title IV financial aid includes aid from the Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Direct Loan, PLUS Loan, and TEACH Grant programs. I authorize Collin to apply my financial aid, 包括第四章的经济援助,以及我学生账户上的其他费用 例如责任保险(当我的课程选择和注册需要时), bookstore charges, service fees and fines, and any other educationally related charges or balance due. 我进一步了解这项授权将一直有效,直到 我撤销它,或者我被提供的经济援助奖励期结束 and accepted the financial aid award and that I may decline or withdraw this authorization at any time by providing written notice to or any Student Financials office location.


Prior Year:  我授权科林申请支付给我的任何经济援助奖励的最高200美元 student account against outstanding educationally related charges assessed to my student account in a prior award year. I may decline or withdraw this authorization at any time by providing written notice to or to any Student Financials office location .


奖项、奖励、第三方教育援助、奖学金和助学金: 我明白所有的奖品,奖励,第三方教育援助,奖学金 和/或授予我或由科林代表我处理的赠款将记入 我的学生帐户,并申请任何未偿余额. I further understand my receipt of a prize, award, third party educational assistance, scholarship or grant is considered a financial resource according to federal Title IV financial aid regulations 而且我有责任报告这一bet9娱乐备用地址,因此可能 减少我获得其他联邦和/或州财政援助的资格.e., loans, grants, Federal Work Study) which, if already disbursed to my student account, must be reversed and returned to the aid source. I understand I will be financially responsible for 由于这种bet9娱乐备用地址逆转,我的账户上的任何到期余额.




我理解并同意在任何情况下与科林有关任何条款的争议 and conditions of my registration or student life while associated with Collin, Collin 是否需要通过仲裁或调解来解决争议 civil litigation.

I understand and agree that by leaving this page and choosing to register for courses 在bet9备用登录地址,我接受我的学生账户的责任,并同意 遵守本协议中规定的所有责任、条款和条件.





本协议取代所有先前的理解、陈述和谈判 以及学生与科林之间的通信,构成完整的协议 甲乙双方就所述事项达成协议,不得修改 或受任何交易过程或履行过程的影响. This agreement may be modified to comply with future Board approved policy changes published to the Collin website and/or a change or modification signed by me. Any modification is specifically 仅限于修改中涉及的政策和/或条款.